Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It was a good day

So lately it is not that I don't have good days but there are some days that are better and easier that others. This last weekend was one of those good ones. Saturday night Ryan and I went to a BBQ with some of our old friends. That was great. We were able to catch up and hang out. Sunday we went to another one of our friends ward for their baby blessing. That was so neat. Their baby was so beautiful. Afterwards, everyone hung out and ate good food and had good conversation. There were a lot of our friends there as well. It is just really good to see people you care about. Then we headed home to hang out with Richard,Lisa and the kids. We had a blast. The WII was of some fun entertainment. Dinner was great and then we went for a drive up the Provo canyon to see the fall trees. Every one piled into Ryan's truck with Lisa and myself in the back of the truck with some blankets. It was so beautiful I can't believe it. Then we returned home to play some games. I know it does not sound like much but it was a good day. Thanks Foster family lets to it again. Lolly you are the best. Love you lots! Thanks for sitting in the back with me!

Lisa and I in the back of the truck

Provo Canyon fall trees

pictures don't even give it justic


Abby said...

Oh how I miss the provo canyon, it is so beautiful!! Glad you had a good day!!oh and if you come to dland in oct. you had better call me, we have passes and would love to meet you!! love ya

Lara said...

Hooray for fall! That is beautiful! Miss you ALL!!!

Foster Family said...

Renee, We had a fabulous day too. We loved the food,weather,games,ride and YOU! Thank you for sharing your day with us. Lets get together again soon. Love, Lolly

Janell said...

So fun! just sad I couldn't be there. Story of my life!

Lorena said...

I can only imagine how beautiful the Fall tress looked! Even in the picture I got all happy that FALL is finally here!

Wells Family said...

Fall is my favorite thing that Utah offers that I wish California doesn't, and that's about it.