Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Annual Cooking Class Wed April 8th,2009

this invitations is for any one who can make it. Please let me know if you are planning on coming so I can plan for enough food. I am so excited please make sure that you bring a recipe to share with every one. Don't worry you don't have to make it but just bring the written recipe. See you all there 6:30 pm

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jodi and Stephen Weddig

Well I know that I kinda fell out of the blog world for a bit but I will try and hop back into it. I have been wanting to blog about Jodi and Steven for some time. We had a blast at there wedding. It was so beautiful. I felt so lucky to have been invited to it. There temple sealer was just great. There reception was a blast. I loved it. I am just so happy for the both of them. I miss them so much.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The happest Place On Earth

So this last week Ryan and I went to Cali for a wedding. While we were there we got to hit up Disneyland. WOW it was a blast. It is true that it is the happest place on earth. Ryan had never been there so it was really fun for us. It brought back fun memories for me and new ones for Ryan. It was great one of our best friends met up with us there Rayna Marsh (Rayna Babe) thanks for comming girl we had a bast. Not to mention I ran into one of my childhood friends that was such a treat. I can't wait to go back. We are hopping to head back this summer to see more frines and family and not to mention hit the beach. Thanks Ryan this was so much fun. Way over due and and much needed

Friday, March 6, 2009

This blog rocks you have to go to it (GOOD FOOD)

So one of my very good friends started a recipe blog you should all go to it and start adding you great recipes to it tell me what you think